Some members will know that Canada, for the private sector, has moved to international financial reporting standards, and that affects many of the large crown corporations, particularly corporations that are not appropriation-dependent.
Other crown corporations have a choice to adopt IFRS, or to use the standards that government uses, the public sector standards. So almost of all of the crown corporations are changing their basis of accounting this year. IFRS is quite a significant change. We have been working very closely with the crown corporations to ensure that they have put in place a plan, that they have analyzed what the changes will be, what the impacts are, and that they get their systems ready to do this changeover.
As for our staff, we have done extensive training. We have at least two series of training that we have gone through already. There will also be more specialized training for some of our staff who are, for example, the ones who are tasked with looking after financial instruments. They require more extensive training. And we have a strategic alliance as well with one of the major accounting firms, so we can consult with them on issues. We're also working with our provincial colleagues to provide them training on all of this. So it is a very significant effort and a very significant change.
I want to tell the committee that I'm very pleased with the progress the crown corporations are making. I think they've taken this seriously, and we don't at this point foresee any major problems in the transition to IFRS.