If I could ask the committee to indulge me for just a minute, I think that something that is very important is to understand what it is that an audit does, particularly an audit of financial statements. I'm being very particular here, because the issue is an audit of departmental financial statements, so there are a few points I'd like to make about what an audit of departmental financial statements would accomplish.
To an auditor, a set of financial statements comprises a set of assertions made by management, the preparers of the financial statements, to readers of the financial statements. To understand what I mean by “assertions”, I want you to consider a couple of examples. The first example is something like a truck. One assertion is that the truck exists. Another is that the organization holds the rights to use the truck. A third is that the truck has a certain dollar value.
Let's take a different example: the case of an item of revenue. Let's talk about a tax due from a business, if you're in the government. One assertion is that the transaction occurred, another is that the transaction has been assigned to the appropriate accounting period, and a third is that the transaction value has been recorded appropriately.
The auditor performs procedures to validate each of those assertions. When the auditor has done this work for all assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenditures, if the assertions can be validated to the satisfaction of the auditor, the auditor will be in a position to give a clean or unqualified opinion on the financial statements.
Now, I want you to note that there are many things that financial statements do not assert. For example, they make no assertions about the state of internal control in the organization. Neither do they make any assertions about whether fraud has or has not occurred during the period covered by the financial statements. Because the financial statements make no such assertions, the auditor's report gives no assurances on these matters.