I have two questions that spring to mind from that.
One is my previous experience around when another department moved toward this interactivity of my account electronically, and what it does to folks who aren't quite as savvy, or who don't have the access. And I don't want to hear, quite frankly, what I've heard before, which is to “go to your public library”, because they'll simply line up at my office asking if I have a spare computer and if they can use it to access this from my office.
This becomes an issue that becomes a staffing issue, quite frankly, as offices actually start to shift personnel out, away from personal service and away from accepting paper, which you'll actually see at EI. It's illegal to refuse you paper, but try getting a piece of paper from EI. The laws says they must. They don't. I'm hoping we're not headed in that direction. I'll let you respond to that.
The other side of my concern with interactivity when it comes to the Internet is that it's a wonderful tool, except that it sets up what I call the McDonald's syndrome. I mean McDonald's not in the sense of “E-I-O”, the farm, but McDonald's of the golden arches, where one expects an instant return from an instant request. We end up with a system that gets inundated with folks who, once they have interconnectivity, continually send requests to you for updates, even though you're saying, “You're number Y and your waiting time is x”. They simply continue adding into it, and then they're looking for a response that they're not going to get, quite frankly. They will then come to us and say, “They're not responding to me and I sent in a request”. Since it's almost instant, they expect an instant reply.
The worst thing in the world about one of these is that when someone calls you electronically, they expect you to reply regardless of what you're doing. You may set up an unrealistic expectation of how quick you can actually do this. Have you thought about what you will do in reply to all of those bits and pieces of that interconnectivity?