Thank you, Chair.
The disclosure is in a couple of parts. The first section the member is referring to is the loss occurring or discovery in the current fiscal year, so 2009-10. If you actually flip a little further, Mr. Chair, to 2.44, you'll see an update of cases reported in previous years, because what happens is there are estimates made in terms of the amounts that are recoverable, and those estimates are best estimates, but history tends to be a little bit different. So there's an update here on what actually has happened in terms of our estimates of recovery. So to get the complete history here, you have to go to the further section, which is an update on losses reported in previous years.
Mr. Chair, if you're looking for information specific to sponsorship, as I mentioned earlier, I believe Public Works and Government Services Canada continues to maintain something on their website that actually gives excellent disclosure on the history of these cases.