Mr. Chair, I could say two things to that.
The first is if you look at the current contracts for work on production of the JSF, and you assume that the Canadian companies that have won those contracts will continue to be successful and will continue to be part of the supply chain—in other words, they won't lose the work they've already won—if you extrapolate the work they're already doing to the full run of the aircraft production, that amounts to just under $7.5 billion U.S.
In a sense, of the just under $10 billion that has been identifed as potential opportunities for Canadian companies, if the Canadian firms that have already won work continue to keep that work through the production of the aircraft, that's about 75% of the identified opportunities that would be locked up.
We think that Canadian companies have done very well to date.
Twice a year we get detailed information from the prime contractors on the available opportunities and all the Canadian firms that they feel stand a good chance to participate. We sit down with the prime contractors and we validate all that information. We also have regular meetings with major Canadian suppliers to do some triangulation, in a sense.
We talk to Canadian firms who are vying for business and we can ask them questions about whether or not what we're hearing from the prime contractors matches up.
To date we haven't had any reason to experience concern.