I'm going to open and then turn the floor over to my colleagues.
Just to give you a sense of how seriously we have taken this, we have a very rigorous process. We have a steering committee that meets virtually every two weeks, which I chair. We go through the action plan, which has identified a whole series of measures.
For example, in the surveillance area, we are moving to a risk-based approach. We've put in place minimum surveillance plans. We're improving our documentation, our guidance documents for inspectors. We've been on a cross-country regional outreach with our inspectors to make sure we get feedback from them in terms of being able to ensure that the guidance we prepare reflects their needs as we move to new approaches in how we do things.
As I say, we have a very rigorous process and are tracking timelines very carefully to make sure we're delivering.
I'll turn to my colleagues to walk you through the various initiatives we have identified in the plan.