I'm going to suggest that we're in a fairly rudimentary stage in that regard.
As I said, it's only been in the last four or five years that in our annual corporate plan we've indicated much more clearly a linkage of our objectives and strategies back to our original mandate. From that, when we get into our objectives, we are able to identify numerically, if you like, and from a time-sensitive perspective, what our expectations are within the year.
It could be something as non-specific as getting groups of people together to move forward an objective like the P10. We would indicate that our objective would be to have a P10 formed and have a single pool in Canada. Our measure of completion would be 100%, if it occurs. If we get to the point where we have not completed it, but we have accomplished a number of components within that, then we'll provide ourselves with a measurement relative to a score on that basis.
Even though it's numerical, in many cases it's as much subjective as objective, but, it's an important move forward for us in terms of being more specific about whether we've accomplished what we intended to accomplish.