Somewhat along the same lines that Nancy just mentioned in the context of the AG's connections with international organizations, we too are plugged into a network of preparers. First and foremost, the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board sets international standards. Canada participates in that process. In fact, Canada is the host of that organization; it's headquartered in Toronto. So we actively participate in the production of those standards; we contribute one voice among many others, but an important voice because of our experience here.
There's also a working group that is sponsored by the OECD, and we participate in that annually. Canada and the United States alternate hosting a somewhat less formal international conference where we try to share our best practices. Something that's kind of ad hoc is that just this past December I was invited to a conference in Europe that was sponsored by an international accounting firm. The subject of the conference was encouraging countries that had not yet done so to adopt accrual accounting, etc. I was invited to talk about the Canadian experience in making that advance. Our leadership is well recognized in the world.