Thank you.
Mr. Chair, we are pleased to be here and would like to thank you for this opportunity to discuss our 2011-12 performance report and our 2013-14 report on plans and priorities.
With me today is Lyn Sachs, assistant auditor general of corporate services and chief financial officer.
Parliament has given us the mandate to support its oversight of government spending and performance with our financial audits, performance audits and special examinations of crown corporations. We are privileged to serve Parliament by providing the objective information, advice and assurance that result from this work.
All of our audits are conducted according to Canadian Auditing Standards and Canadian Standards on Quality Control. We subject our system of quality control to internal practice reviews and monitoring to provide assurance that you can rely on the quality of our work.
During our 2011-12 fiscal year, the period covered by our most recent performance report, we used $89.8 million of the $94.6 million in parliamentary appropriations available to us, resulting in a lapse of $4.8 million. We had a budget of 633 full-time equivalent employees and employed the equivalent of 640 full-time employees, an increase of 11 from the year before.
With these resources, we completed all but three of our planned 145 financial and performance audits, special examinations of crown corporations, and the work of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development.
In addition, we completed three performance audits that were not planned in our 2011-12 report on plans and priorities. We also completed the majority of our renewal of audit methodology project on time and on budget, with the final components completed a few months ago.
Our 2011-12 performance report contains a number of indicators of the impact of our work and measures of our operational performance. The tables containing our targets and actual performance results in relation to those indicators and measures are attached to this statement.
Our performance report shows that we met many of the targets for our indicators of impact. It indicates that the office participated in 29 committee hearings and briefings, compared with 46 the previous year, and that parliamentary committees reviewed 43% of our performance audits, compared with 62% in 2010-11. It also shows that departments made satisfactory progress in addressing 62% of the 42 recommendations we made in the original audits.
Our measures of organizational performance remained positive, with our on-budget performance for most of our financial audits improving over the previous year. Our 2012 employee survey indicated that employee engagement remained high, with 95% of employees feeling proud to work for the office.
In planning for 2013-14, our first priority is to complete the renewal of the office's strategic plan. We are undertaking a comprehensive review of what we do and how we do it. We are looking to identify areas where we can make meaningful improvements to better serve Parliament and build on the strengths of the office.
We would appreciate your input and will be looking to engage you in this process. The results of this review will be presented in our 2014-15 report on plans and priorities.
This year we will also continue to implement our strategic and operating review plan that we submitted to Parliament in October 2011. This review helped us to focus our audits on the areas of greatest risk. We are on target to discontinue all of the federal and territorial financial audits that we had identified.
The majority of our interaction with Parliament is through our performance audit practice. We conduct performance audits to examine the efficiency, economy and environmental impact of all federal government departments, agencies and other organizations. We had made reductions to our performance audit practice over the past couple of years. As a result of our Strategic and Operating Review plan, we proposed no further reductions to our performance audit work in 2013-14. We have attached to this statement a list of our planned audits.
The overall result of this review will be to reduce our budget by over $6.5 million, which will be somewhat offset by additional funding for economic increases, and to reduce our staff levels by about 10%. We plan to reduce our staff for 2013-14 to 590 from 615 last year, on our way to our target of 576 in 2014-15.
In conclusion, Mr. Chair, my staff and I appreciate your ongoing interest in and support for our work. We look forward to continuing our work to assist you in holding the government to account for its management of public funds.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. We would be pleased to answer your questions.