I think it speaks to one of the first steps that we have outlined in our response, which is to go and verify, with the provinces and in discussions with producer organizations, what our time commitments should be to the industry with respect to the evaluation of the assessment processes.
You raised a good issue. There are different challenges in assessing a flood situation, where it's clear that the producer is not going to be able to get on that land for the year and is not going to get a crop out of that land, as opposed to a drought situation, where as you go through the year, the situation changes. The crop got in the ground, it hasn't rained for a little while, but then it starts raining and the prospects start to improve. Those drought situations change through the cycle, which makes them very difficult to assess, to know exactly what that producer needs to recover from the situation, because we haven't nailed down what the end of the situation is.
So I think this is one of the issues that we will be discussing with the provinces and engaging the industry on as well.