In terms of what you've described, I think certainly in the audit we noted that it was a time of great uncertainty. It was the economic crisis, so the decisions had to be made within a very short timeframe. There was a lot of complexity. In fact, it was the U.S. government that was leading the negotiations with the parent companies. The Canadian decision was really whether Canada should participate. There was a lot of complexity.
In terms of what we identified as the outcome of the audit, we did say that the funding that was provided by Canada and by the Government of Ontario contributed to the viability and the competitiveness of the industry certainly in the short and medium terms.
In terms of what might have happened had the assistance not been provided, that's not something that is auditable or that we could audit. Certainly when Industry Canada was making the decisions about whether to participate or not, it was very concerned about the economic impact of this sector and the trouble in terms of the economic crisis. I can't speak specifically to what the outcome might have been, but certainly Industry Canada was very concerned about what that outcome might have been.