I will look to my colleagues who have been deeply involved over the last number of years. As for major accomplishments, I think as we have heard here today, I've a strong track record of working with partners and communities: partner governments, partner communities, partner individuals to review and work with proposals for advancing economic development across the north.
Michael was saying that one of the reasons we can move forward is that we work so closely with people who wish to advance economic development in the north. That track record of investing in diverse economic development opportunities is quite significant.
A second item hasn't been raised by the committee here today, but early in its five-year tenure CanNor was also tasked with setting up and implementing the northern projects management office, which is working to facilitate the passage of major projects through the regulatory systems in the north and set that up in just a couple of years. It too is proving to be highly effective in coordinating and facilitating very efficient, timely movement through the regulatory system, again with the partnership of first nations, territorial governments, and all decision-makers. That also has a very strong track record, and I think we can see commendation from governments, the communities, and the private sector itself.
Those are two very strong tracks.
We also have a third element. We do policy research and analysis that allows us to more deeply understand the issues, some of which we've talked about at committee today, substantial issues facing northern development. Part of our role is to advocate on some of these issues in an informed and deeply analytical way to policy decision-making and policy advice in Ottawa. We've also brought significant, and I like to think deep, understanding of northern challenges and issues to diverse tables and diverse discussions with our colleagues in the federal government.