I always find interesting, when I read an audit, not what the audit says but what it doesn't say. What it doesn't say is often identified by the things it does say.
The conclusion on page 19 is very clear that the weaknesses identified by the audit come in the form of administration, monitoring, measuring, and reporting. It doesn't talk about the effectiveness of the program. I think that's a very important part to note: the effectiveness of the program wasn't audited, but the administration end of it was, and there were some weaknesses identified.
There were some recommendations made to the department. I commend the department. One of the first changes the department made, obviously, was to hire a new president. I think the department is moving in the right direction there.
I would like to just follow up with some of the progress that has been made on the recommendations identified in the audit. I'll look specifically at the fourth recommendation. I'll read it and ask you and perhaps your colleague Mr. Bloom to comment on it:
The Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency should document its recipient and project risk assessments. It should also define appropriate levels of monitoring and reporting to be specified in contribution agreements, proportionate to recipient and project risks.
Can you comment on that and tell me what the department is doing with that recommendation?