Thank you for the question.
As we've noted, we have completed our IT plan, our investment plan, and a number of things you see in our management action plan. I've looked at a pilot version of a report on benefits realization, and we have a way to go. We'll have that report ready in September. As I said, we have people working to make sure we have benefits operationalized for all of these projects that are beginning.
We really appreciate the opportunity.
We've worked very hard in the agency to take an attitude toward audits and evaluations that these provide us with management information and help us to do our job better. As I said, benefits realization was part of our work plan anyway, but the audit did highlight some other areas where we decided we had better put something more robust in place to make sure it's institutionalized and continues into the future.
Speaking to the complexity issue, I also think our framework allows us to identify problems earlier so that we can talk about alternatives and solutions, so that we're not marching blindly off a cliff into a project that doesn't work or doesn't contribute to our agency's goals. The gating process lets us monitor if something's starting to go in a bad direction, or out of budget. I think we have a lot of information on a very frequent basis.
Thank you.