Our audits deal with the implementation of government policy rather than the studying or the establishment of government policy. We have indicated in the report that the department has to deal with the private sector contractor in the removal of the tolls, in making adjustments to the contract. I believe that process is still under way, but obviously it's a significant change to the original contract, and when you're dealing with a public-private partnership, part of the value is to establish the contractual obligations up front and then not make many changes to them. This is obviously a significant change.
Again, in this audit we were just looking at this project. That government decision came after the original contract was put in place.
With regard to the report that we issued that you referenced, I should point out that what we said in the fall, I believe, was the measures that have been announced so far would not be sufficient to meet the 2030 target. That's not to say other measures couldn't be put in place.