That's a very good question.
Again, when you assess the different executives, we do have a system to manage performance. Maybe I can let my colleague speak to the system. We have the tools that we have. It's going to sound like I'm going back to the same thing, but part of our action plan is to look at what we do for enterprise-wide projects. To me, there should be clear accountability and authority for an enterprise-wide project, which might be different from a project that is a PSPC project, for example.
By setting those roles, responsibilities, accountabilities, and authorities right in the beginning, you're able to then keep people very accountable for what they do or don't do. We have a system where, when everything goes well, it's fine, but when things don't go well.... We have to really make sure that we get those roles, responsibility, clarity, and oversight at the beginning. Spending that time will pay at the end, and we'll be able to really do a good at job managing that.