Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to thank you and the members of the committee for this opportunity to discuss the Auditor General's report on the disposal of surplus goods and equipment in the Government of Canada.
As you've said, I have with me at the table Nicholas Trudel, who is the director general of the specialized services sector. Also in the room with us is Marty Muldoon, who is our chief financial officer.
The focus of the audit that we're here to discuss was to determine whether federal organizations disposed of surplus goods and equipment at the appropriate time and in a manner that maximized benefits.
As to the scope of the Auditor General's report, three of the recommendations relate to the departmental disposal of surplus assets, which falls under the responsibility of each organization.
A fourth recommendation relates to a common service, the GCSurplus program, which is provided to government departments and agencies for the disposal of their surplus assets.
I will take a few moments to explain this common service provider role. If you have any questions later, Mr. Trudel and I will be able to make clarifications.
GCSurplus offers advice and guidance to departments on disposing of surplus assets. This includes offering solutions related to reusing, recycling and end-of-life disposal in an effort to reduce its physical, financial and environmental footprint.
GCSurplus also provides an online platform for the disposal of assets through sale to the public. Assets can be posted on, which provides Canadians with a platform to view, bid on or buy surplus Government of Canada assets through a closed bidding process. It's a bit similar to Kijiji or eBay.
Users can bid on assets ranging from sleeping bags to office furniture to vehicles. The website is supported by 10 sales centres across Canada that house and distribute surplus assets.
With GCSurplus, we always strive to obtain the best value for the Crown. I would like to note that the Auditor General's report found that PSPC was effective at selling the goods through GCSurplus. In 2017-18, the website processed over 29,000 sales transactions, with approximately $57 million in gross proceeds of sales.
Within the GCSurplus program, we also offer what's called GCTransfer, a platform for federal government materiel managers to advertise and transfer surplus assets from one department or agency to another. Through this online platform, all members of the federal public service can view assets available for transfer.
I would like to point out that the scope of GCSurplus is limited in a few respects. First, there are certain departments that are not required to dispose of their assets through PSPC. Some of those have been given the authority, either by legislation or under the Directive on Disposal of Surplus Materiel, to manage their own disposition efforts.
Second, departments are responsible for the life-cycle management of their assets, including their disposal. They are not compelled to use the disposal services provided by PSPC unless they dispose of their assets through sale. Departments can make their own decisions to donate surplus materiel, transfer it to another department, or simply scrap it.
Now I'll turn to the Auditor General's findings. I can tell you that my department has accepted in full the findings and recommendations of the Auditor General, and we have put forward an action plan to effectively address each recommendation.
As the department responsible for disposal decisions around our own assets, our action plan includes several measures.
PSPC will review its asset life-cycle processes to ensure the disposal of its own assets meets the criteria laid out by the Auditor General, and we pledge to do this in the most cost-effective manner.
We will undertake a review to identify mechanisms to donate surplus assets in a fair and transparent manner, and PSPC will implement a standardized process to document disposal decisions. We've committed to implementing this process no later than spring 2019.
Our action plan also includes enhancements to our role as a common service provider, in particular by expanding services under GCSurplus and by encouraging the donation and reuse of assets across government.
It's important to note, Mr. Chair, that PSPC is limited in its scope. As I mentioned earlier, departments are by and large free to do what they want with their surplus assets without involving the common service provider, GCSurplus.
In addition, we are bound by the Treasury Board policy on management of materiel and their directive on disposal of surplus materiel when it comes to the disposal of surplus materiel through donation or transfer. According to the directive's requirements, decisions related to donation or transfer are made by the department disposing of the surplus asset. Once a decision to donate is made by the department, that department is directly responsible for making that donation. GCSurplus currently plays no role in donating surplus goods on behalf of other departments.
That is why we've engaged with the Treasury Board Secretariat to explore how GCSurplus could assist departments and agencies with donations of surplus assets by matching them with suitable charitable and non-profit recipients. We're looking at possibly leveraging our existing platforms and processes to make it easier for departments and agencies to donate in an open, fair and transparent way.
To this end, GCSurplus is leading a test of a proof of concept to see if we can find a new method of disposing of assets that contributes to the Government of Canada's broad social goals—helping under-represented communities and groups that face social inequities, as well as groups that promote environmental responsibility.
In June 2018, the first donation case was launched in the National Capital Region, in collaboration with the RCMP, who had approximately 400 first aid kits for donation. Feedback and lessons learned from this case will help inform a proof of concept. It will be evaluated for one year to establish overall service requirements for a potential pilot strategy.
In addition, the department has also agreed to conduct an analysis of all types of assets by class to determine whether they can be transferred for donation or reuse.
We will also engage with the material management community to increase awareness and encourage the use of the GCTransfer tool. Collectively, we expect these actions to be completed by spring 2020.
I want this committee to know that my department takes great pride in our stewardship of public funds, and our responsibility to efficiently dispose of surplus assets is part of that. I can assure you that we are fully committed to meeting the recommendations of the Auditor General while respecting our current policy, and we believe that we have a sound action plan to make it happen.
That said, Nicholas and I are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the actions that I've laid out here today and how we intend to go through them.
Thank you.