I think if you look at the different audits that we have brought forward here, they have dealt with a number of different topics. They involve a number of different departments. We've made recommendations. The departments have agreed with all of those recommendations.
To every one of our recommendations, the departments have replied. Their reply is in the report. In some cases they will even have said that they're going to have it done by a certain date. I think it's the usual practice of this committee to get an action plan from the departments.
You know, it's not like there's only one department that has to try to put all of these recommendations in place. There are many different departments. We try to keep the number of recommendations we make reasonable. We're not making 30 recommendations to each department.
I think the expectation of this committee should very much be simply, for each of these audits, to get an action plan from the department, get the department to tell you when they're going to do things and by what date they're going to do it, and probe that so that they seem to be telling you a reasonable time frame and it's giving you something that you can hold them accountable to.
I think there is a diverse number of topics and a diverse number of organizations. I would say your expectation should be that they will tell you how they will do every one of them and that you will follow up on that. I wouldn't say to put these ones to the side, but I think it's reasonable to say, “Okay, we expect all of these to be implemented.”