Again, in the course of the report, we identified that there had been some changes. More guidance was provided to the departments, and more information sessions were provided, information about upcoming vacancies. Certainly some of the things the Privy Council Office had said they were going to do in response to our 2009 audit were done.
In terms of the four tribunals we looked at, not every one of those appointments was handled through the Privy Council Office. Our concern, however, was that we were still seeing delays and impacts. I think we talked specifically about the Immigration and Refugee Board where the delays had gotten worse and moved from 10 months to 18 months. Again, I know the Privy Council Office isn't involved in all of those.
One of those situations that's concerning in the audits we produce is that sometimes there can be improvements in process without having improvements in results. I think what's really important to focus on in this whole file is not just the process—and yes, making more improvements to the process will hopefully get us there—but also on how many vacancies are filled, how quickly they are filled, what the results are, and if these organizations can operate with the number of members they need to make the decisions they have to make.