Well, as I've said, I think this committee in particular has really started to step up to the plate and is doing a good job of sending the message to departments that you expect them to get to better results.
Again, when they're in front of you, look at their action plan. Look at what they're going to do. I suppose get them to talk about how, when they've done all of this, it is actually going to result in better service and how they are going to be able to show that it will result in better service.
I know we just landed seven audits on you and some special exams and it's going to take a lot of time for you to get through them, but if you can within your schedule find time to bring a department back a year later or whatever so that the message is out there that, as was mentioned before, it isn't going to be a “one and done” situation, all of those things will help.