Yes, so apologies to you for taking the hits that the accounting officer is supposed to take. That's why we insist on having deputies here, but you're doing a good job of filling in.
I want to come back to a couple of things. First of all, on page 23 of the Auditor General's report, he makes a comment about the shiprider initiative, and I just want to point out and get back to the issue and the gaps in terms of the reporting.
On the previous year's report there is the whole issue of pilot projects that were going to start. It says here, “The previous year’s report (2013–14) noted that the pilots had been postponed until legal and operational issues were resolved.” In the current year, “the report did not mention that the pilot projects for expanding operations on land had not been started and that there were no plans to pursue them.”
So it looks like a classic Yes Minister. In the first instance they say, “Well, we have legal and operational issues so we have to get these legal and operational issues resolved”. Then in the follow-up year to that, there is nothing. Sometimes it worries us that we get into borderline deliberate misleading. It starts to get into that area.
Here is a specific question for you, though. Again, in the Auditor General's report at paragraph 1.86 it states:
In the 2012-13 fiscal year, the Secretariat was developing another guide on the management and reporting of horizontal initiatives, which it published in 2014. In our opinion, this guide did not provide enough clarity to the lead reporting department to ensure that reporting was complete and accurate, nor did it provide enough information to help departments and agencies report on progress and develop a costing framework for horizontal initiatives.
That's not that long ago. What I'd like to know is, how did you get something so important so wrong?