Under the Financial Administration Act, we do special examinations of crown corporations, and we have to do a special examination of each crown corporation once every 10 years. The special examinations that we do are reports under the Financial Administration Act, and we are required to report to the board of directors of the crown corporation. Our process with those is not tabling them in the House of Commons. Our process is to provide those to the board of the crown corporation. The board then has a certain period of time to make it public. I've forgotten how long it is—30 days or 60 days, something like that.
The special examination was delivered to Defence Construction Canada in January, so they had a certain amount of time to make it public—actually, it was made public in January, so we would have delivered it to them before that.
We still table the special examinations with the House of Commons to make sure that you are aware of them. Those special examinations are different from our performance audits, because the mandate is under the Financial Administration Act and our requirement is to report them to the board of directors. But we still table them to make sure that you are aware of them and that you can hold hearings on them.
That report was legitimately made public back in January, according to the Financial Administration Act.