In terms of the funding, what we've heard today is that the agency has done what it can do within the constraints. If the department is committing to provide the agency with more certainty about the capital funding they will get, I think that's an important step so that the agency can spend the money better on the priorities.
One thing that was mentioned a couple of times, though, was this idea of trying to put together that overall long-term plan. We mentioned in the report that the agency had come forward with a 25-year plan that would cost $1.9 billion to bring the whole portfolio up to a certain level. I think there needs to be some consideration in this plan that the department is going to put together about looking at that portfolio from a long-term perspective, so that it's not just how much capital funding there will be next year or over the next couple of years. It's tying back to the operational plan, tying back to the day-to-day property management plan, and asking what's the end state of that whole portfolio? How do you manage that portfolio? From a budget point of view, what type of budget do you need over, say, that 25-year cycle?
I think all of that needs to be part of this plan.