Again, I would just like to mention that we're not suggesting the threshold needs to change, and we're not suggesting that it's not okay to have a system that costs money. Our issue is that if there is a system on paper that says all things imported through the mail or by courier with a value over $20 should have a duty charged on them, if that is what the system is, then there need to be the resources in the system to make sure that it is in fact enforceable.
We're not trying to say where it should be, or whether there should be a change, or how you come out on the balance of that policy question. What we're saying is—and again, understanding that we know you can never get to 100%—there needs to be a much higher expectation that in fact, yes, the system is being applied at the $20 level, whereas right now I think it's clear that the system is being applied at higher levels in some instances.