The move of employee files to Miramichi from the 46 departments occurred in three waves, starting in 2012 and going all the way up to the rollout of Phoenix. As you can see on the graph, with the employees going over to Miramichi, there's an increase in the number of employees with outstanding pay requests.
The initial intent of the department was that efficiencies would be generated with the centralization and this number would be coming down, but this was not the case. In the end, when Phoenix rolled out, the expectation of the department was that there would be a significant increase in efficiencies, which would compensate for the employees coming over to Miramichi and would also allow them to deal with the backlog that had accumulated from the wave of departments moving over to Miramichi. Obviously that did not materialize. Contrary to that, it actually spiked, because obviously Phoenix was not delivering the efficiencies that were promised.