I think there is a role for internal audit committees to play in this. As the deputy said, dealing with and fixing these issues is obviously the responsibility of the departments, but I think there would be a role for audit committees to look at, for example, the different audits that we've done.
As the question indicated, in a number of our audits we have talked about the problems with data quality in departments. I think audit committees should be aware of those types of systemic issues that we bring up, and they should ask the departments they're involved in how we know whether the data in the department is being managed in a way that is of sufficient quality so that the department doesn't end up with data quality issues showing up in an Auditor General's report.
It is definitely the responsibility of the department to fix the issues, but I think there is an oversight and challenge role for internal audit committees to make sure that departments are paying attention to these types of issues.