Mr. Chair and honourable members of the committee, I want to thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the recommendations of the Auditor General's performance audit on preparing women offenders for release.
Among the many areas of women's corrections that were reviewed, the Auditor General produced numerous findings and recommendations related to the effectiveness, appropriateness, and availability of various aspects of the process of preparing women offenders for a safe and successful reintegration into society.
Women comprise a small but important subset of the total federal offender population, making up approximately 5.8% of the total federal offender population.
At the end of fiscal year 2017-18, there were a total of 1,387 women under federal jurisdiction, about half of whom, or 679, were incarcerated in a correctional facility. At the end of the previous fiscal year, the institutional count was 680.
It would appear that, for now, growth in the number of women in custody has subsided, after years of growth. It should also be noted that last fiscal year marked the first year since 2011 when we had more women under supervision in the community, 708, than incarcerated, 679.
Broadly speaking, women offenders tend to be younger, experience higher rates of poverty and unemployment, have a higher incidence of substance misuse, and are more likely to have a history of physical and sexual abuse. In the case of indigenous women offenders, these issues are often amplified. It is therefore particularly important for CSC to consider their needs in the context of their aboriginal social history and to ensure that culturally appropriate interventions are available.
Mr. Chair, since I began my career in federal corrections in 1983, I have observed the evolution of our approach to federally sentenced women and the considerable progress we have made in addressing their particular needs.
In fact, Dr. Blanchette, Mrs. Wheatley, and I have all served as deputy commissioners for women, or DCW, with Dr. Blanchette being the current DCW.
CSC has adopted a holistic, women-centred approach for managing women offenders. We have developed gender-responsive and culturally and trauma-informed correctional environments, programs, and interventions designed specifically for women. Today, CSC receives international recognition as a leader in the area of women's corrections. This is a reputation that has been earned through years of research, innovation, and tireless effort by many dedicated staff across the country.
The evolution of women's corrections has also been the product of lessons learned through listening to concerns from diverse stakeholders and the women themselves, and from being open to change.
With this goal in mind, CSC fully accepts all the Auditor General's recommendations.
I would now like to highlight some specific areas of the action plan we have implemented.
First, with respect to improving the initial security classification process, CSC is conducting research to identify risk factors relevant to women. This will determine what revisions to our initial security classification tool, if any, may be required to increase its validity for women offenders.
Another recommendation was related to an appropriate referral tool to assign women offenders to correctional programs in line with their risk of reoffending and their needs.
In response to this, we have finalized the criminal risk index tool, placed it in policy, and commenced training staff to ensure that it is used to assign the right intensity programs to women offenders.
The Auditor General also recommended that CSC ensure indigenous women offenders have sufficient and timely access to correctional programs, according to each offender's needs and preferences.
Building on the design and implementation of aboriginal intervention centres at seven facilities for men, we have finalized a model of this initiative for women offenders. This summer, we will complete the implementation of aboriginal intervention centres at women's sites to strengthen a culturally responsive approach to case management that maximizes the involvement of the indigenous community.
Further, the report recommended that CSC “increase the use of employment as well as work releases to support the successful reintegration of women offenders into the community.” In response to this, our special operating agency, CORCAN, which provides employment training and employability skills to both men and women offenders, has worked closely with the operational sites to identify vocational certification and on-the-job training opportunities for women offenders. There has been progress in several areas, including culinary skills, horticulture, technology assembly, and construction trades.
Further, the Auditor General made a number of recommendations with respect to mental health treatment and intervention for women offenders. To address this, CSC is currently finalizing, in collaboration with community experts, a comprehensive study on the prevalence of mental disorders among women inmates.
This prevalence study will enable us to identify any mental health service capacity gaps for women, and more clearly develop pathways of care that are responsive to their needs. In support of this effort, budget 2018 allocated $20.4 million over five years, and $5.6 million per year ongoing to provide enhanced mental health supports for incarcerated women.
With respect to the use of administrative segregation, as of August 1, 2017, specific groups of inmates are no longer admissible to administrative segregation. Notably, inmates with a serious mental illness causing significant impairment, inmates actively engaging in self-injury, which is deemed likely to result in serious bodily harm, and those at elevated or imminent risk of suicide, will not be admitted to administrative segregation. Unless exceptional circumstances exist, pregnant women, for example, will not be admitted to administrative segregation.
In addition to these changes, CSC will continue to advance its work to decrease reliance on administrative segregation, improve conditions of confinement, and enhance mental health initiatives.
Finally, CSC has taken many actions to address the Auditor General's recommendations and ensure that offenders, especially low-risk women offenders, are safely released into the community at their earliest eligibility date. In fiscal year 2016-17, we had the greatest number of women offenders released on day parole and saw the highest number of women offenders reaching the end of their sentence successfully while on release in the community. Although we are pleased with the advancements CSC has made in the area of women's corrections, we are always pursuing improvements to our policies, processes, and outcomes.
With this in mind, we thank the Auditor General for his contribution to the evolution of women's corrections, and we look forward to completing the steps necessary to address his recommendations.
Thank you once again. We would be pleased to answer any questions that members may have.