I think the important thing is that when these women enter into the correctional system, their needs have to be assessed to see what type of programming they need, and that needs to happen very early on. The Correctional Service has many programs in place, and we didn't notice any particular problems with the programs per se. The problems were with the access to the programs.
When women with that type of background come in, it's important that they very quickly get into the programs that have been identified and that can help them. When they get through those programs, they get to the point where they can be paroled. Therefore, they can have support as they are trying to reintegrate back into society. What is important, again, is making sure that all of those programs are actually available, that they are available when they need to be, and that they are delivered as quickly as they can be.
There is a reassessment at the end of the program, and that gives the women a longer time to try to get reintegrated back into the community in a safe way.