I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 10 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Accounts.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(g), the committee is meeting today to undertake a study on “Report 2: Natural Health Products—Health Canada”.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, in compliance with the House order of Thursday, November 25, 2021. Members can attend in person or remotely using the Zoom application.
The proceedings will be made available through the House of Commons website. So you are aware, the web broadcast will always show the person speaking rather than the entirety of the committee.
Given the current pandemic situation and in light of recommendations from public health authorities, as well as the Board of Internal Economy's directive of October 29, 2021, to remain healthy and safe, everyone attending the meeting in person must follow the health rules.
As the chair, I'll be enforcing these health measures for the duration of the meeting. I thank members in advance for their co-operation.
To ensure an orderly meeting, I would like to outline a few rules to follow.
Members and witnesses can speak in the official language of their choice. Interpretation services are available for this meeting. On the bottom of your screen, you have the floor, English and French as options. If you can no longer hear the interpretation, please let me know immediately, and we will ensure it is correctly re‑established before we continue with our meeting.
Please use the raise hand feature, which is on the main toolbar, if you would like to speak or get the chair's attention.
For members participating in person, proceed as you usually would when the whole committee is meeting in person or in a committee room.
Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. If you are on the video conference, please click on the microphone icon to unmute yourself. For those in the room, your microphones will be controlled as normal by the proceedings and verifications officer. When speaking, please speak slowly and clearly. When you're not speaking, your mike should be on mute.
I remind you that any comments from members and witnesses must be addressed through the chair.
With regard to a speaking list, the committee clerk and I will do the best we can to maintain a consolidated speaking order for all members, whether they are participating virtually or in person.
I'd now like to welcome our witnesses.
From the Office of the Auditor General, we have Jerry V. DeMarco, commissioner of the environment and sustainable development, and Heather Miller, Assistant Auditor General. From the Department of Health, we have Dr. Stephen Lucas, deputy minister; Pamela Aung‐Thin, associate assistant deputy minister; and Linsey Hollett, director general, health product compliance.
Before I begin, I'd like to let members know that Dr. Lucas will have to leave the meeting at 12:15. This is due to a scheduling conflict that we agreed to respect. If you have questions for the good doctor, who is the deputy minister, I'd ask that you be aware of this limitation and focus your questions on him for the next hour and a bit.
Thank you for being here today.
Mr. DeMarco, you have the floor for five minutes. Please proceed.