Thank you. Let me say to begin that during my career I have audited procurement systems for multilateral banks and governments.
To sum it up in one sentence—since my time is limited—I would say that the role of a department such as yours is to have processes in place and to provide oversight of those processes to ensure that they are at least followed. Without oversight, the first part of the role, that of having practices in place, is absolutely useless.
What the Auditor General's report shows is that Public Services and Procurement Canada failed to deliver on its mandate in various respects: the advice it provided and the co-signing of contracts that did not necessarily comply with the appropriate processes.
I would like to come back to a very important issue: the questioning of the CBSA's decision to award non-competitive contracts. I would like more information about that. In particular, I would like to know who issued those warnings, and their level in the hierarchy. I would also like to know who were the recipients, as well as their level in the hierarchy. Finally, I would like to know what the emails said.
If you can't give me specific answers now, I would like to see those emails.