Whenever you make job cuts, there are a few ways of doing it. The most popular one is through attrition. It's perceived, for lack of a better word, as the easiest one. However, when you let people go through attrition, where does the work go?
I'll use a simple example. Let's say there's a two-person unit and one person retires. They say they'll save money and they're not going to backfill this position. What about all of those tasks, those duties and the workload? Who do they go to? They now fall on one person, who is asked to do not only their job but their co-worker's job.
Inevitably, you're going to have way too much workload and you're going to be unable to do your job. You're going to have some performance issues and you're going to be stressed out. Anytime you cut jobs, it's going to have consequences.