Thank you, Chair.
Let’s go back to the partner who was contacted about cybersecurity. I believe you said it was Mr. Imraan Bashir. When this person performed what we call a risk assessment at PwC, where I spent part of my career, before signing a contract, he should have seen that it was abnormal for a government employee to ask GC Strategies to subcontract this project to KPMG. This employee, if he was on your team, especially if he was a partner and therefore someone who knows about reputational risks, should have realized that there was a problem.
Now, I would have put the question directly to this person, as he should have been present today. So I’d like a written answer from him to the following question: Was he aware that GC Strategies was inviting members of the government, including Mr. Antonio Utano, to activities such as events, whisky tastings and golf tournaments? Was he aware of this? I’d like his written response to be provided to the committee, please.