Today, once the translation is completed, you will receive that audit table from SDTC. It provides a complete list of the companies audited by the Auditor General, with our comments.
You will see the start date for the review of the Cycle Capital Management, or CCM, project, not at SDTC, the date the CCM project was refused, and the date that I declared my interests in the companies, the percentage of interests held by CCM and those held by Andrée‑Lise Méthot. You will also see the board's approval date and the date of my declaration of interests related to SDTC's investment.
In the case of the MineSense project, for instance, I have an interest of 0.03%. I co-invest in our funds with our investors from all over the world. As I said in my opening remarks, at the time of the two votes on the COVID‑19 support measures for that company, my interests represented 0.03%.
Of the 23 companies on the list, there was no conflict of interest for two of them, but former potential conflicts of interests had been identified, as indicated in the Auditor General's report. Andrée‑Lise Méthot and CCM therefore have no interest in 21 out of the 23 companies.
We recorded everything for each file, so I am being completely transparent with you.
I know the list is somewhat confusing, which is why I prepared a detailed table for you that provides confidential information because we do not usually disclose our percentage of ownership in companies.
Mr. Cannings, does that answer your question?