I want to make an important point, one that was raised at other committee meetings. I took the time to review a lot of the testimony that was provided.
The board proposed business plans to the government and often called for an update. Organizations do change over time. I gather from the Auditor General's report that those updates weren't done in a structured way.
That said, I can tell you that I and other members of the board asked a number of times for an update because the situation was changing.
The clean tech sector is vastly different than it was 20, 10 or even five years ago. Back when I started in this field, only 200 companies in North America were working on clean tech. Today it's thousands.
Changes were proposed to the government and the minister in charge. We were given the green light to go ahead with the changes, but as I understand it, they weren't made in accordance with the established process. That's what I meant when I said that it didn't adhere perfectly to the criteria.
That is what I understood from the Auditor General's report, and that is what I can speak to.