So you are not familiar with the mandate of Sustainable Development Technology Canada. If you were familiar with the contribution agreement, you would know that project submissions have to be public. People have to be able to find out how to make an application online, and that was not the case for the seed stream of the fund or the ecosystem stream of the fund, I believe. You should have known that there were conflict of interest policies. Instead, you pointed me at the board of directors.
You had conflict of interest cases in front of your face and you did not report the right information to the project review committee. For example, the fact that Chris Wormald both had a stake and was receiving funds from Sustainable Development Technology Canada as an external consultant was a conflict of interest of which you did not inform the board. In addition, the contribution agreement was not followed.
Ms. Kolbuc, it would seem that there are things that are not working, and you are still in the position, which is actually surprising. Could I get an explanation, please?