It's a small number that can be pulled out pretty quickly, when you consider that they awarded themselves tens of millions of dollars.
Then, regarding the call centre, that was probably the easiest information to gather. We know how many calls were received and how long the agents worked. We know their working hours. However, in some cases, 14 hours of work per day per agent were billed, even though the call centre was only open for 9 hours a day. What's more, the cost to taxpayers rose from $31 to $589 per call, without any explanation. We don't know why prices went up. Was a call in 2023 worth so much more than a call in 2021? I don't think so.
In addition, it's also important to point out that the government has placed all responsibility for data collection in the hands of Accenture. This means that, at the moment, the companies' data, even though it theoretically belongs to the government, according to the contracts, is in the hands of a private third party.
Can you confirm that the government has no concrete plans, with a timetable, to repatriate the data of around 900,000 companies over which Accenture has control?