Would you talk to us, Mr. Cunningham, or perhaps another member of your team, about the idea of building long-term value and how we need to open up the scope of what that means? We addressed it earlier regarding stranded assets, regarding unknown risks.
I'll just share with you that I used to do the retirement workshop for the folks at McGill who were getting ready for retirement. Of course, the big concern was how much money they would have in their pension fund. If we knew it was a hybrid pension fund, oh, my gosh, it was just crazy how we had to do the calculations around defined benefit and the defined pension part. All that to say that in the retirement workshop, we would come to the conclusion that if you were to lose everything today, what would you have? It would be the place where you live and the fact that you could grow a garden and you could continue living.
I'm taking you to an existential place, Mr. Cunningham. I really would like to hear your views, because you are doing a terrific job on the nuts and bolts of looking after that pension, and it's a credit to what you're doing, but is it not time to think out of the box?