Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'd like to thank this committee for inviting me. I'm very pleased to be here.
Just to give you a little bit of my background, I was called in 1991. My history has been one of being involved with law for quite some time. In fact, at the age of 17, I believe I was the youngest private investigator ever licensed in this country, if not in the free world. Then I went on into business, and business brought me to the House of Commons, where I worked for a number of years as a research assistant primarily in the transportation field, and on evenings and weekends I drove around in police cars. I was a member of the Ontario Provincial Police Auxiliary. I'm a criminal defence lawyer now, and have been so for about 16 years.
None of my comments, I want to say at the outset, should be construed as being in any way anti-police. In fact, defence lawyers don't have anything to do unless somebody gets arrested, so we're hardly anti-police. But I will be having to make some criticisms about how things transpired over the years 2000 to 2002, about which information has now just been partially released to the public, thanks to the tenacity of two young media personnel.
I'm going to give you a bit of a thumbnail sketch of what happened to me—in fact, what happened to you, what happened to the citizens of this country—by the intrusion and the breach of the solicitor-client privilege that the RCMP imposed upon my office. That will bring you to the current review.
I've also got some ideas on how to address the current Witness Protection Program Act to actually make it better. I've reviewed other acts in other jurisdictions. I've reviewed this act. I find it wanting. I find that it really needs to be reviewed, because there are holes in it you can drive a truck through. And I think there are positive ways that you can make this legislation more effective, because it's an important police tool. But we all have to understand that when you have an act like this, which doesn't allow freedom of speech and freedom of the press, it should infringe those rights and freedoms of Canadians as little as possible and in the most effective way on behalf of the program, and I don't believe that the current legislation does that.
I'm going to be calling for an update of the legislation, a review of the legislation, and my second best hope would be that it be given to the Supreme Court on a reference to see if this legislation could even stand up in its current wording. But in my view, there are many positive ways that you can review this legislation, amend this legislation, make it stronger, and yet make Canadians a little bit freer, because it does criminalize natural behaviour, conversation, pillow talk. It doesn't allow me to tell you certain things, so it supposedly says, which is absolutely ridiculous, because I speak on this in other jurisdictions.
One big hole in the Witness Protection Program Act is that it doesn't liaise with other programs in other jurisdictions so that you can cross-fertilize the efforts of the programs, export and import other people from other countries, and have other countries enforce your laws.
I was speaking to a private girls' high school law class in Australia just a few hours ago. I just came from there. And it offends my pride in this institution and in you that I was able to speak more freely to a bunch of grade 12 students than the law allows me to speak to you.
Accountability is a very major problem with this legislation. Who is it accountable to? Only one person.
The other thing the act needs to do is to be updated to reflect the reality of our current society, our current technological advances, and the technological advances of the future. I got dragged into this was because of the Internet. Somebody saw a heinous crime committed in this country and sent me the newspaper article. That's how I got dragged into this. Now, why is it that I can't tell this parliamentary committee which newspapers I read? I don't believe it's against the law to give you some information when an intelligent person, going out of their way, might be able to figure out who this person is. I don't believe that's breaking the law, and if we were in camera I would tell you much more.
The main reason I'm holding my tongue today is that there are live victims who don't know the true story. There are live victims who, if the press were to report much more information, would be able to figure out what happened. Two and two would be put together, and people would be severely injured.
They need and deserve to be told the truth. They need and deserve closure. But equally important, they should be told that they very much have a case of wrongful death against the Canadian government.
The crimes were preventable and predictable, not perhaps in the most heinous way that they unfolded. But I will tell you why any person who did any investigation into this particular rogue police officer, or rogue police agent, would have known that he was a danger to the public.
I don't know how much investigation they did. I don't know what they did to protect the public, if anything. I don't know what supervision there was. These are all important questions for somebody, and in my opinion, they would be important questions for you. But you would have to know certain details to be able to ask the proper questions.
But I can tell you that when I went into the Ontario Provincial Police's auxiliary policing program, following the police investigation on me, they knew all the people I knew. They knew all of my friends, they talked to people I hadn't seen in years, and they went back into my past.
Investigations like this happen when you want a liquor licence, for goodness sakes.
Anybody who scratched the surface after the rogue police agent was revealed in court, after the court ruled that he was a liar, and after he had obstructed justice—anyone who asked any questions in our little town of Victoria—would have found out what the press had found out. They would have found out what kind of person he was and what his phobias and passions were. You couldn't possibly find these out and not come to the conclusion that this man was dangerous. They should have known; they should have protected the public.
Now, it's a difficult task, because often people in the witness protection program are involved with crime. I'm not saying that you have to only bring saints into the program, but you should know the personality that you're bringing into the program. The statute says that you should. But what the statute doesn't say is to what extent Canadians should be protected.
You're taking people who are sometimes dangerous, giving them a clean slate, a new identity, and putting them next door to you. Your family deserves to be safe—because you can't tell who this person is. It's the retired shoe salesman, as far as you're concerned. It's the school teacher. It's somebody who has a completely new identity, completely new birth certificate, and lives next door to you.
I don't approve of it, but sometimes the police, when they release a person from the penitentiary, will make an open statement saying, beware, this person is dangerous, and then communities force them to move from one place to another. I don't condone that behaviour, but this is the opposite. This is taking people who have been involved with organized crime and putting them right in the public.
There was a case reported in the press, called Trudeau. I suppose that technically I'm breaking the law, but I'm just telling you that there was a newspaper article about a guy by the name of Trudeau in the program, and he was sent back to prison for a pedophilia incident. The judge in that case was out of the east—I can send it to you, if you don't already have it—and said that this man had killed more people in his life than all of the Canadian Forces in the Gulf War. He was in the community, and he hurt a child.
This person, who I ran into, hurt many people. You can close your eyes, think of the worst crime imaginable, and if a tear comes to your eye, you're pretty damn close—then multiply it, because there was more than one victim.
In my opinion, this man was told by the court; the RCMP was told by me, and if they had just scratched the surface and done any kind of cursory investigation, there was only one conclusion that you could come to: something bad was going to happen. I told the court that; I warned the court.
Of course I feel bad, because if you're ever involved in something like this, you always think, “I know there's nothing I could have done that I didn't do”, but you start to think in those terms.
The statute won't allow me to go to my law society and talk about it. The statute won't allow me to go to a psychologist and talk about it. The statute won't allow me to confide in any good friend or trusted individual. Well, I'm not going to play that game. But what the statute should do is put the mens rea of not informing other people of the location or the identity of a person in the program—link it to harm. Link it to trying to bring the security and safety of the individual into trouble, not criminalizing innocent speech.
Thank you.