First, I'll obviously not get into operational details, for obvious security reasons. The director may be at liberty to put out certain numbers, and I'll leave that up to his discretion.
On the broad question, right now under the CSIS Act, CSIS, its employees and its agents, can acquire and gather information outside of Canada if it is directly affecting Canada. Anything that is gathered, anything that is accumulated, is done according to the CSIS Act and according to all of the laws and provisions that we have. Information that is gathered and requires extra capability, anything that is done along those lines, is also done within the act, within the law, respecting what Canadians would value in terms of privacy, human rights, and elements related to that.
Clearly, whether we're talking about CSIS or the RCMP, or various policing forces--though I wouldn't be responsible for, say, the municipal forces directly--when it comes to intelligence gathering and certain types of surveillance, certain types of invasive procedures, all have to be signed off by me and also by a Federal Court judge--the reasons for it, the length of time that certain provisions and certain capabilities will be required--and those are subject to review and subject to Canadian law.