I could come back and propose solutions. I can do that.
I can speak of probably the key one that I can see right now as a missing component. Again, we're talking about pieces of the puzzle. In terms of our ability to secure the border, one of the big pieces for us that we feel we're missing is a visible presence along the Canada-U.S. border, not a duplication. And this is where it gets very complicated. It's not a duplication of what the U.S. has done through the presence of border patrol, but it's complementary to what is there now. But the piece that's missing is a visible, uniform presence along the border that would be intelligence-led. So we're not talking specifically about a border patrol here; we're talking about the ability to engage the communities that are, as Monsieur Ménard pointed out, on the border, with people who are living there and who know the community and know the individuals who are there, to be able to reach out to them through an enhanced presence. This is, I would say, the primary piece we're missing at this point in time.