I have been in politics for almost as many years as you have. So, I will be very pleased to answer your question, while I also try to avoid falling into a trap.
In appearing before you today, I am aware that the minority government is seeking to have a bill passed that would abolish the Canadian Firearms Registry, something that is contrary to our position. So, my purpose in being here is to present my arguments to these members of the minority who introduced the bill, and also to meet with members of the Opposition, be they Liberals, Block members, or NDP members.
This is how I see the Liberal leader's suggestions. First of all, I am satisfied with them, for two main reasons. The first is that he asked his caucus to vote unanimously against abolition of the Canadian Firearms Registry. That is the first source of satisfaction, obviously, from our standpoint. Second, without judging the merits of the measures Mr. Ignatieff has made public, I would say that they seem satisfactory for the following reason: they are aimed at people who feel frustrated by the existence of the Canadian Firearms Registry, particularly our friends—and I say that with a great deal of affection—who are hunters. Mr. Ignatieff has brought forward suggested amendments which would mean that these individuals would no longer feel victimized by the Canadian Firearms Registry: no ongoing fees, simpler registration procedures and no criminal charges the first time someone neglects to register a gun. They are aimed specifically at these individuals.