Thank you, Chair.
Thank you to the witnesses.
Ms. Campbell, you brought up a very interesting case there, without names, and certainly I'm very familiar with it; I think I might even be named in the book.
But you raise a very important point and my colleagues should know this: there are victims in this country. In that case, it was a situation where the victims were here; they weren't victims overseas, where there was a murder committed. They were victims here. They were completely shocked. Their lives were turned upside down for a number of years. I've met with some of them, as you have, Ms. Campbell. We have to be cognizant of that.
Also, what you can't forget--I think my friend brought it up, and you've confronted it--is that when the original bill was brought forward in 1978 there were no cybercrimes, and there was not the video porn situation that we have with the Internet. We now probably all know.... I know that certainly in my riding, I have a situation--and I think Mr. Norlock does in his riding--where there's an individual in custody in another country for child molestation, but there are victims back here too. They are victims that got left behind when the perpetrator went to another jurisdiction and ended up being apprehended.
So my friends shouldn't be upset with having these issues in here. I think it's one of those things.... They are looking for something that isn't there. There were always challenges in the court to the system; there have been for a long time. But the solution is not to take away everything and say that everyone who applies is welcome to come home.