No. As soon as you take away something you grow yourself, produce yourself, distribute yourself and then you have to go out to the fair market value to purchase, there is an additional cost.
In reviewing the tapes from last week, I noticed that the people from the Correctional Service talked about apprenticeships inside the institution; that's going to be the big replacement for the farm. I have a concern with that because of what's going on with the apprenticeships, in that employees of Correctional Service Canada can not sign off hours for inmates on an apprenticeship. There was a lawsuit a few years ago in Ontario. I'm from a plumbing background and I tried to sign up an offender that I had working for me at the Kingston Prison for Women. The government will have nothing to do with that.
So I'm a little concerned about, first, the costs that are going to be faced by your institutions, and then the lack of programming that is going to be in the institutions, because it's not there at this point in time.