Well, if you're talking about gangs causing violence within the prison, gangs are funded. They live off the drug trade and prostitution.
Again, in our correctional centre we've had the occasional gang member, usually somebody who's come to the territory from the south. But for the most part, they're bullies. In Mr. Van De Mortel's case, where he was seriously assaulted, there were three people involved. One, I think, was an older gang member from years gone by, and the other one was just a bully.
Every bit of violence within the jail isn't always drug related. But if there is a fight between two inmates, and you dig into the reason for that fight, more often than not it stems back to an incident out on the street.
A lot of the people in our facility are related. A good majority of them come from Whitehorse. Most of them have known each other all their lives. So there are old wounds that haven't healed, and that could cause it as well. The violence, I think, pretty much overall in Whitehorse and in this country stems from drugs.