Training is certainly one thing.
Perhaps I'm a little off base on this, but I've got a pretty good idea of what police officers in this country go through as far as training. I'm not sure if correctional officers are at that same level, so that standard has to be raised up.
They've got to continue to look for the best people. We always see on TV advertisements to join the military and the RCMP. I don't live in Ontario, but perhaps it's the OPP. When was the last time anybody saw an advertisement on TV advertising positions in a correctional facility? That's one of the ways the standards can be raised.
Addictions training is important. People have to understand that if they're working with people with addictions and they're saying they have a disease, but they don't really believe that.... Everybody in this room will admit that addiction is a disease. How many people in this room really believe that, that addictions are on par with cancer? I didn't. Not for years. I do now. I see it.
The training standards.... Some of their uniforms, you know....