That's actually a fairly substantial problem. In a mainstream institution some of the prescribed drugs that are also drugs of abuse are handed out. There's a process. A lot of medication the guys get—we call them cards—are bubble packs. They're sort of like how you get a lot of gum in bubble packs. They get these cards of medication that they take to their cell. They are supposed to take it as prescribed.
Some of the medication that is more prone to abuse is handed out. The guy has to go to the health care centre in the institution and he is handed the pill. The nurse watches him taking the pill. We call that direct-observed therapy, or DOT. A lot of drugs that are prone to abuse are delivered on a DOT basis, as opposed to in the cards.
On the muscling I was talking about earlier, if people know that a certain offender is getting one of these medications, they might try to intimidate the guy into tonguing it. He would pretend to swallow it, but he doesn't actually swallow it. Then he goes away and spits it out, and he's forced to give it up to the guy who's muscling him. That does happen in mainstream institutions. One of the consequences of that is the guy isn't getting the medication he needs. So he tends to decompensate and he ends up having to come to the treatment centre, or whatever.
There are problems with that sort of thing in the mainstream institutions. They try to minimize it as much as possible. If I know that Joe is getting muscled for his medication, I might tell the nurse that Joe is getting muscled, so the nurse is more careful about the way she dispenses the medication to that guy. They might crush it and put it in applesauce or something like that so he can't spit it out. There are ways to get around those sorts of things. It does tend to be a problem.
In the treatment centre, because we have more direct observation of the offenders and we have more control over the medications and how medications are administered, practically everybody in the building is on DOT. We don't use cards. That problem is minimized.