When we talk about rehabilitation, I understand that to mean we're preparing inmates for a return to society. When those people return to society, they are faced with the same responsibilities you and I are. Actually if anyone owes spousal payments or child care payments, or if we have any outstanding judgments against us, we have to accept responsibility for that. To me, as I say, it's common sense. It just makes good sense to me that a criminal or an inmate should have the same responsibility as an ordinary citizen. I'm amazed that they don't.
I'm so enthused about this. It's not going to solve all their problems. As I said, it's not the total rehabilitation package, but it's going to aid in their rehabilitation. Let's say if they got $1,000 in prison and they had to give it to their spouses, for child support or whatever, maybe when they get out they'll realize, hey, they're supposed to pay child support—that's their responsibility.