One thing I would like to say is that the new equipment we have received, dogs and detectors, are good tools. We need those tools. We're not going to say that is not good equipment.
Are we better with this equipment? Yes. At the same time, you can have all the equipment you want; you can have everything you want, but at the end of the day there are people in there who want to make money. They want to take drugs. There's a problem with that too. They're always going to try to find something else, and they will be better.
I was talking about the fence. To give you an example, I saw some place where they were using a tennis ball and a racquet. They threw the ball inside. There's always something.
People tell me, “But don't forget, Mr. Mallette, in the morning somebody is supposed to search the yard”. Of course somebody is supposed to search the yard, but you're asking one person to search the yard. Do you believe the yard is the size of this? No, it's huge. Of course they know that somebody is going to search the yard, and they try to make that thing more difficult to find. In French we say it's
It is the old cat and mouse game.
In English maybe it's a cat and mouse play. It's huge.
But I cannot say that these tools are not good to help with the drugs. They are good.