I'd like to join my colleagues in thanking you and your 18,000 workers across Canada for the work you do every day.
I want to note that you came here wearing your flak vest or whatever it's called. Obviously you have to go to work with these tools and measures that we've been talking about the whole time.
I want to ask you three brief questions to get a sense of what you and your workers truly think about what we are working on here, in terms of what has happened now, where we are now, and moving forward, and what we can do as a committee to assist you in your work to keep our communities safe.
I note some of the astounding numbers that Mr. Head gave us in the previous presentation. He mentioned that something like 80% of inmates arrive with serious substance abuse problems, with 50% of them indicating that this was a factor in the commission of their crime. Obviously, if they go into these programs, they are 45% less likely to return and 63% less likely to return with a new violent offence.
Would you agree with that? Has that been your experience?