Certainly there are some very good programs. Canada, rightly and historically—I'm not sure how much longer it will last, given the numbers and the delays that are happening—has a very stellar and well-deserved reputation of having one of the best correctional services. One of the challenges is that those inside know that if they speak out about what is happening, they're likely to face some challenges, including potentially their jobs.
I'm not sure you'll get accurate information from witnesses. But I would ask you to seek information on the number of people in programs, how long the programs last, the need for those programs in their correctional treatment plans, how timely they are, and on what basis they have access to those treatment programs. I'm suggesting this because I certainly have lots of anecdotal evidence for you, but I'm having trouble getting this data as well.
Routinely, when I'm asked to testify at an inquest, I'm given a whole shopping list of programs. I have no doubt that every one of those programs may have been offered in that prison at some time. They might not have been offered for two or three years in some cases. They may have been offered to only one person in one case. So you really need to tie in how many programs, how often they're offered, how long they existed, and how many people benefited from them. You will find, sadly, that it's increasingly very difficult for people to get access to programs.
We routinely encourage prisoners to put in requests for programs every month if they need to. They're now being challenged to withdraw those requests so it doesn't look bad when they go to the National Parole Board and say, “I'm applying. I haven't completed all of the programs in my correctional treatment plan. Now prison is hindering my ability to reintegrate because I can't get access to the programs I need. Here is a sheet of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more requests I've made for this program that everybody agrees, including me, that I need access to.”
I wish I could give you exact numbers, but I cannot get that information.